My patient, a 50-year old women, works in the stock market industry and holds a very responsible position.
As part of her job, she is required to make extremely quick decisions, and act before she had a chance to think. Recently this demanding situations hasn’t been working too well, and as a result some mistakes were made. That and not being able to have time to think to avoid similar mistakes in the future led to even more pressure and inability to perform well at this demanding job.
This constant stress resulted in quarrels at home and conflicts with her colleagues on work. She complained of having bad dreams, dominated by a very bright high frequency color.
Even at nights she couldn’t rest and her head continued to work. Obviously in the morning she gets up tired and nervous. Not a good way to start her days at her highly stressful job.
Typically stress problems are connected with the Liver. As is known from TCM, Liver meridian is responsible for organism’s vitality, and its normal current promotes harmony in an organism, in feelings and life in general. It’s also responsible for the quality of dreams.
In all the treatments I used Jin Shin acupressure.
After 8 sessions, occurring once a week, she told me that she no longer made rush decisions, didn’t hurry to answer questions, felt more confident and stopped doing mechanical mistakes.
We continued the treatment, which had profound effects on my patient’s life. One could tell that even her character changed. She became more tolerant, which eliminated conflicts at home and work. Her dreams became more pleasant and she no longer had the disturbing ones. She could no longer be bothered by every little insignificant issue.
It’s has been several months since her treatments were completed. Since then she got a raise, was promoted
and now she feels as if she’s a different person.
In the treatment I used the following Jin Shin formulas:
- The Great Regulator – to balance Yin and Yang.
- The Liver and the Gall Bladder meridians – to balance the Liver.
- The Kidney meridian – to balance the energy level as a whole.
Tags: acupressure, conflict, Jin-Shin, liver, stress
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